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Safety Matters: Do Your Part to Keep Our Workplace Safe

Preventing injury and illness on the job is something all employees should take seriously—nothing less than your future is at stake. An on-the-job accident, infection or serious illness could very easily disable you, leaving your financial security and future plans up in the air.

You and your coworkers can get your own safety program off the ground by giving your supervisors ideas on how things can be made safer. In a healthcare environment, any idea, no matter how small it may seem to you, may prevent a serious accident.

If you are a seasoned employee, you can use your years of valuable experience to spot potential safety and health hazards. Or, if you are a new employee, you may be able to spot something right away that someone who has been there for a while may have overlooked.

Here are some examples of rules you can follow to set an example for others and help your safety program succeed.

  • Do not engage in horseplay in the facility at any time—stay focused on the task at hand.
  • Allow your coworkers to stay focused at all times by refraining from distracting actions.
  • Always wear the required personal protective equipment, especially when working with needles, toxic chemicals and patients with highly communicable diseases and illnesses.
  • Watch your footing at all times. Wear slip-resistant shoes, and do not run.
  • Sanitation is key: keep yourself and your work area clean and free from debris.
  • Know your limits—if you feel for any reason that you cannot complete your work safely, stop and decide what you need to do to stay out of harm’s way.
  • Never perform work that you are unauthorized to do.
  • Know what to do in case of emergency, whether it’s an on-the-job injury or natural disaster.

In short, safety takes teamwork. Whatever your job is and whatever your duties include, keep your eyes open for hazards and report them. Help keep our safety program on solid ground!

This Safety Matters flyer is for general informational purposes only, and is not intended as medical or legal advice. © 2010, 2014, 2019, 2021 Zywave, Inc. All rights reserved.


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